
Golden Treasury of Poetry, Joan Walsh Anglund

I'm sure that when I bought The Golden Treasury of Poetry at a library sale, I did so for sentimental reasons. I remember the paper dolls in Good
Housekeeping Magazine by the same artist, Joan Walsh Anglund. I remember her books with the sweet little children sans nose and mouth. I used this book    to practice pen and ink drawing when I was in school. What I learned by doing so is that Joan Walsh Anglund is a very good pen and ink artist. I can't help but wonder if the strong association of her little cherubs over shadows some of her talent. For that reason, I would like to show a few illustrations by Anglund from this book that might surprise.

The Golden Treasury of Poetry 
Selected and with a Commentary by Louis Untermeyer
Illustrated by Joan Walsh Anglund
Golden Press, New York, 1959

I'll be following up this posting with images of illustrated letters by Joan and will do a short bio on her then.


  1. i loved this book as a kid - thank you so much for this post!

  2. You're welcome - glad you enjoyed it!
