
The Clean Pig, Leonard Wisegard

I found this book, The Clean Pig, on a recent thrift outing. It has many issues:
ex-library, writing in the book, a few tears and a couple loose pages, but it's hard for me to pass up a book by Leonard Weisgard, especially one that I don't have. It was less than a dollar plus it's perfect for scanning, so win-win. 

I really like the sepia colors in this book. Weisgard was a master at working with limited color schemes. His compositions are great also.

The Clean Pig
Written and Illustrated by Leonard Weisgard
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1952

To read about Leonard Weisgard, click here.

1 comment:

  1. aangenaam stuk van schrijven en snelle dringende commentaar op deze plaats, ik ben echt genieten van deze.
