
The Tale of the Christmas Mouse, Judith Fringuello

I used to read this sweet little Christmas tale to my children when they were young. I think the illustrations and rhyming text are well done and perfect for younger children. I also think it deserves a place as a classic Christmas story.
To read more about Judith Fringuello, click here. Don't forget to click on the pics.

Tale of the Christmas Mouse
Written and illustrated by Judith Fringuello
Troll Associates, 1970


  1. last night I stumbled upon your site some how and ended up browsing for hours! I have been missing my childhood library that we used to have and had many on your site, it really brought me back. I have been trying to find them to buy for my own children and hopefully they will sit for hours with the books too. I remember before I could read just staring at the art work not even caring about what the words said because I figured read the illustrations instead. Love your site!

  2. Thanks Sarah, you have made my day!
